Green Tomato Consultancy

This is me...Jo Bushby

Over 37 years of combined work and life experience & expertise

Does that heading tell you who I am no of course not! I am more than my work experience, my qualifications and abilities, the person in the photo (that's me by the way) has many battle scars which have led me to be the person I am today. Who after lots of personal development can say I actually like me. A postmenopausal women in her 50's - who is about to complete my first Bachelor's Degree, so there's a statement to behold.

It's funny that it's taking me for what seems like a decade to get this bit done!

I have dithered, procrarastinated and fannied around to put it bluntley (sorry if you don't like blunt but that's me, honest and to the point). 

My working background has been a diverse, exciting and inspiring. I have worked in Credit Control, been a Sales and Marketing Manager (my favourite job I have to say) - travelled the world in this amazing role, inspecting resorts and training sales teams. One day I was in Tregenna Castle, St Ives, the following day or week in the Cairngorns, Scotland, Ibiza, Malta, the Canaries, France or St Lucia. Organised and hosted events in Paris. Recently I reaslied that nearly every job I have had including and since this one has been a new job that I have had to start and make something off from a blank canvas.

I have been a successful Account Manager for a Japanese Food Company, successful Recruitment Consultant, worked in Membership Sales for a charity and a non-profit organisation, Relationship Management, Training, Coaching, Holistic Therapies, a trained Make-up Artist and trained and worked as a painter and decorator.

I have been self employed a couple of times and experienced those wobbles when things get a bit hairy and you panic because sales have dried up, money is running out and you have bills to pay, a roof to keep and mouths to feed. I loved being self employed and working as a freelance Personal development Coach and Holistic therapist, I gave that up in 2011 after being approached to work in Welfare to Work supporting people with extreme barriers to employment. Yet here I am back on the path of personal development and business coaching/mentoring. I have worked in various industries and sectors, private, blue chip organisations large and small, third sector and public sectors. I have worked for some fantastic businesses and some rubbish ones, well not the businesses but the management.

My journey of personal development, self discovery and holistic therapies really started in my early 20's when I was in a domestic abusive relationship, that's when I really began to explore other possibilities. I was ashamed of what was happening, on the outside I looked like a strong confident woman with a good job, my own flat and thriving. The beating, verbal abuse, emotional, psychological and financial abuse I hid from everyone close to me was because I couldn't believe what was happening and I thought I much have deserved it. However, from somewhere I found the strength to do some thing about it and life went on...

My curiosity around holistic and self development laid dormant for a number of years and then when my ex-husband left for another woman in 2007. He left me with my two daughters who were 1 and 3, it was just before their 2nd and 4th birthdays. I began to need help. My world was shattered, I had not seen it coming, my heart was ripped from my chest and cast aside. I went to a very dark and bad place, full of self hatred, guilt, and self destruction. I felt my girls would be better without me! If I was not good enough for him to stay, I was not good enough for my girls. I took drastic measures one evening and my eldest daughter falling out of bed saved my life. The bang of her falling on her bedroom floor made me realise my girls did need me and I went to see my GP. I was offered medication or counselling.I grew stronger and realised I had to fight for everything, it was 'flight or fight' situation and I wasn't going to be a victim again. So I thought all the way. This isn't a pity story - it's why I am me and how as a person I took responsibility and grew, I continue to grow every day.

I took the counselling which was the best thing I could have done. She introduced me to some great books and I went to find answers from a clairvoyant and angel card reader (not for everyone I realise). Lorraine helped me, more than she will ever know. She knew my first name and that was it. She had no knowledge of my history or my story, I walked into her kitchen and she told me I needed ROSE QUARTZ, I had a big black hole in my heart. I couldn't believe it, how did she know I was a broken woman trying to keep it together for my girls, I was on the outside smiley, doing my best to be strong and be assertive but inside a part of me had died the day he walked out.

That's where my interest in crystals began... Now I have them all over my house and if you ever meet me if you haven't already, you may or may not know I carry a bag of crystals with me every day - for those that know they also know where! 

The journey of self discovery continued with lots of reading and learning. I was training to be a painter and decorater at college, but had an accident and decided I wanted to relocate to be near my parents, my sister and her family. 

They say things happen for a reason and I am a big believer in that... I contacted the estate agents, they came to view the house on the Thursday, they brought a couple to view the house on the Saturday, they were a cash buyer after having won the lottery - they put an offer of the full price in. I accepted of course, called my parents, as they had a big enough house to put us up initially. I got in touch with the local primary school for my 4 year old and she started at school the following Monday, they wanted her there on the Thursday - but I needed to buy uniforms, pack and actually get there. I put the kids, the cat and some clothes in the car and left. I sold everything pretty much, moved up to South Yorkshire with a welsh dresser that was my Mum and Dad's from when they got married and a cupboard I bought when I first bought my own flat at 21, I planned to  start afresh.

I went into business with my sister and learnt many valuable lessons along the way. It was then that Elaine, who was to become my Usui Reiki Master and I first met and that journey of Reiki began in 2008. Going from 1st Degree in 2008, 2nd Degree in 2009 and then Master Teacher in 2010. I then progressed and gained a diploma in Energy Healing.

I went on to train as a trainer and coach and gained my Level 4 PTTLS and CTTLS qualifications and the rest as they say history!

Now let's take you back to 2009, on reflection that's when my perimenopause began with undetetected Adenmyosis all began and my interest in the menopause journey, I needed to understand what was going on with me. I am a researcher and I read, researched and learnt all that I could and continue to do so. I was soon diagnoised with Diabetes after the sad passing of my Dad suddenly in 2009 and I have had many challenges with Diabetes but chuffed to bits to say after 14 years I actually feel in control of it more than I ever have done.

Life has continued to throw challenges at me and I have experienced many learning curves along the way,  I have picked up a few 'battle scars' but I have only got stronger due to the lessons learnt. In 2011, I was fortunate enough to meet Mat, who I am still with today, god knows how sometimes - haha! We have had some tough times like most, but one thing we do a lot of is laugh together and laugh at each other.

I have been self employed, employed, I had a very big health scare in 2014, was unwell and off work for over 6 weeks due to Hemilplegic migraines. Knowing what I know now about the Menopause and after a great deal of reflection, realise it was likely to be hormone related. I was unable to communicate, I lost the ability to recognise words, my face drooped and I could not absorb or retain information. For a while I was a shadow of my self and that was scary. I healed, I worked on myself, practiced Reiki on myself and used my crystals, along with some kindness and patience I was back to my old self again eventually. I returned to work and due to lack of support left there, another not very nice management experience.

My girls are all grown up now and on their own paths which is exciting, I brought them up to be independant, amazing, courageous, brave and kind human beings. They have had their own challanges and have come out of the otherside. They are now ready to 'do their own thing''. It can sometimes feel like you have run your course and need to search for something to fill that void. Being a single parent was amazing in some respects but very hard dealing with other peoples opinions of 'single parents' was a challenge which I took head on and held my head up high, was and still am proud of the great job I have done. I got things wrong, like we all do. I am proud of my girls, who they are now and who they will be in the future 'No Matter What'.

Green Tomato was born in 2011, I am passionate about helping others to unlock their potential whether that might be personally, professionally, as a business owner or entrepreneur. I am not going to say it's been easy, I still have a long way to go for my business to be where I would like it to be. Like all business owners I have my challenges,  but every day is learning day and I do my best to look on the bright side of everything where I can. I meditate daily, often twice a day, my crystals mean a lot to me and I can talk crystals and chakras all day long. I work on my mindset and recognise that what I focus on happens but I am also a realist and know that sometimes the path we think is right for us turns out not to be and we have to go with the flow and trust in ourselves. I am a big believer in the Law of Attraction and the universal law of manifestation, that's my own personal choice.

There is more to ME.... but I am sure you get the gist of the type of person I am, if you think you could work with me to support your personal or professional growth and that our values align then click that 'Let's Chat' button and get in touch, email me or give me a call.

Oh and if you use social media please follow us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

If you have a few minutes and feel a bit stressed, anxious or just need to clear your mind..

Focus on this photo, take a deep breath in for the count of 3, hold for 3 and breath out for 3

Do this 3 times and see if you feel better!